Last night I was catching up on email when my 12 year old daughter, Reyna, came in. She was all excited for me to listen to this song she and her friend found on youtube.com. Keep in mind that she's not supposed to BE on YouTube. So, I stopped what I was doing, opened a new tab (because I finally know how to do that), and found the song. A song with a green cartoon, yellow tighty-whitey wearing Gummy Bear.
The Gummy Bear Song - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qC_hF31z130
Hearing a cute tune, Carson, my 5 year old son, came running in. He instantly fell in love with The Gummy Bear Song. Hubby came in, "Daddy! Daddy! You have to listen to The Gummy Bear Song!" Carson is Daddy's only son, so he agreed to watch The Gummy Bear Song. He just shook his head, laughed, and went into the other room. I was forced to listen to The Gummy Bear song three more times. However, I did appease myself and my darling son. I opened a new window (which I recently learned how to do) so I could read my email while Carson watched The Gummy Bear Song.
It is cute and catchy and I can't listen to it without at least tapping my foot. I finished reading my emails, played the song one more time because I'm such a good mommy, and then turned the computer off. The song, however, did not turn off. No, there was nothing wrong with my computer. It was off. The damn song is in my head! And it's stuck there! Permanently, I believe. Not to fear, Wonder Cocktail is here! Alcohol to the rescue! Great. Now I sound like an alcoholic. Whatever. Within an hour, I'm feeling good and The Gummy Bear Song is out of my head.
I woke up this morning and my thoughts trail to The Gummy Bear Song. The 9 to 5 Ladies (my daily email group of girlfriends) have a song of the day. Kris and Melissa usually choose a sweet Christian song or a catchy country song. My song choices are titled "The Black Sheep Song of the Day." Why? Because I usually choose Lil Wayne, Beyonce, Ludacris, etc. Being the wonderful friend I am, I decided to share The Gummy Bear Song – compliments of Carson and Maisie, my 2 year old daughter.
Melissa didn't even listen to the song. Her reply was oh hellllllllllllllllll nooooooooooooooo. I didn't hear from Kris or Beth so I'm guessing they chose not to be adventurous either. I tried to convince them to listen to it. Oh well. You can listen to it and then tell me what you think. Come on! Where's your sense of adventure? Someone took really good drugs to come up with this song. They wasted valuable time to entertain the world. The least you can do is listen to it once. Oh, and Carson's favorite part is the Gummy Bear's butt crack. Oh, yes, boys are sooooo different from girls.
Slacker Fattie Tip – Ummmmm, I'm drawing a blank here. What the hell. Take the day off. Go have fun. Just make sure you boogie at least a little bit today.
Sexy Meal Plan Tip – Evo's. Healthy fast food. Yes! There is such a thing. Go to www.evos.com and find a location near you. If there isn't one, find the closest one and go. Even if it's in the next state. No, I'm not paying for you gas to get there and back.
Oh Snap! I decided to take your challenge and listen to the Hip Hop Gummy Bear Song. Now I got Bai ding ba doli party Bam bing ba doli party in my head. The real funny thing is while I am typing this and I was listening to the song, my fiance was in the shower and he screams out "What in the hell are you listening too? Wow! I just met you today and you are already making an impression. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I am glad that we met and I look forward to more of adventurous tips of the day. I felt I would try to help you out with getting the Gummy Bear Song out of your head with the help of this song.
ReplyDeletehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0h3aLfXeZXE&feature=related Please let me know if you had to concoct another wonder cocktail
Lucky for you I'm 1/2 way through my cocktail! And James is now required to listen to The Gummy Song at least once a day. hahaha!!! I'm so happy to have another friend!