It's getting close to Mother's Day! Have you decided what you're going for you mom this year?
I have friends who no longer have their mom to honor, to talk to, or to hug. I feel very blessed to still have my mom, my biological mom, my mother-in-law, and my "round about step-mom" (my biological dad's e-wife and mother of one of my 1/2 sisters). I try hard not to take this for granted and cherish every moment I have with all four of these women.
Last year was my first Mother's Day with my biological mom. We got together at her dad's house and had lunch with the family. She gave me a beautiful card and gift set that says, "Daughter, You are a joy to cherish and treasure." I keep it in a glass cabinet where I can see it every day. I gave her a dried carnation from Jacob's grave. Losing him prompted us to step-up my search for my biological family and eventually find them.
This year, a mom website that I joined is hosting a contest for members. We can nominate one mom, including ourselves, by submitting a picture and explanation in 75 words or less explaining why that mom deserves to win. Three Grand Prize Winners will receive a spa package courtesy of Skin Deep Spatique. or Level2 Aveda SalonSpa in Hyde Park Village. Two Runner-ups will receive a Happy Hour Detox Ion Foot bath for two and gift basket from Skin Deep Spatique! The winner and a friend! I went back and forth trying to decide which of my moms to choose, my mom or my biological mom. I struggled for several days then finally decided to choose my mom (maybe they'll do another one next year!).
I sat down and started putting together little phrases trying to sum up my mom in less than 75 words. After an hour, this is what I wrote:
My mom did what no mom should ever have to do, buried her 8 year old son after he was hit by a car; adopted me; took care of my grandma who had Alzheimer's; "retired" after years of teaching Kindergarten & being a principal; subs full-time; Nana of 8; held my Angel before & after he died; did what no mom should ever have to do, held her daughter as she buried her own son.
I can't read it or think about it without crying. I called my mom last night to tell her about entering her in the contest. Before I could finish, she cut me off telling me she didn't deserve it as all she does is work. This is why I believe she deserves a day to herself. She never thinks about herself. Any accomplishment she achieves, she downplays. My mom is a beautiful person inside and out. She's an amazing woman, a loving and supportive wife, an intelligent human being, and was always there for me and my two sisters. Still is. She's become one of my best friends. I told her that I was not going to read what I had written to her because she would cry (as would I). However, after viewing the comments other moms have left under my entry, I've decided to make her a gift. I'm going to print out my entry, add the comments my friends have left, as well as a copy of this post. I want her to see how I see her and how others view her even though they've never met her. I hope she wins the spa day, but I know that she will appreciate reading the words so much more.
So what are you going to do for your mom this Mother's Day?
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