Today was the final day of Sexy by Summer competition. I turned in my final weight and measurements this morning only to see a post an hour later saying we had a few days to turn in our numbers since some of us used buddy's to measure us (Rrrr). But, before I tell you the final results let's go on a short journey. No fair scrolling to the bottom to see the results.
When I was born I was...ok, I don't need to go back that far. I’ll start at my weight when I became preggo with Kelly back in 1993 when I was a whopping 103 pounds. After having her, Jacob, and Reyna, I was still less than 110 pounds most of the time but would creep up to 115 at times. Along came Carson and Maisie – oh and in-between my 30th birthday snuck its ugly head in. I remember weighing 133 pounds when Maisie was about two months old. That Christmas my friend, Rachel, gave me a picture of Hubby and I when we went out for his birthday in August. I was mortified! I looked HUGE...for me. I managed to lose some weight in time for Rachel's wedding in December 2007 and I fit into a size 6 bridesmaid dress. In March 2008, the day I met my bio mom, my half sister asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding. I didn't like how I looked in Rachel's wedding so I was determined to look better for my sister's.
By September 2008, I was down to 120 pounds and looking mighty good. Like I mentioned in my last post, my body decided to hold on to EVERYTHING I ate. By December I was 130 pounds and by January I was 140 pounds. It was a big shock and a wakeup call when I looked into the mirror and saw my thighs touching. ACK!
Onto the measuring journey:
June 11, 2008
Ribcage – 29 in
Waist – 31 in
Hips – 33.5 in
Thighs – 19.5 in
Weight – 125.2 lbs
August 23, 2008
Ribcage – 27 in
Waist – 28.5 in
Hips – 32 in
Thighs – 18.5 in
Weight – 120.5 lbs
January 15, 2009 (SBS start)
Wrist – 6 in
Calf – 12 in
Hips – 35 in
Thighs – 22 in
Weight – 140 lbs
I took other measurements in-between but I know you don't care about all of those. I simply wanted to show the ups and downs that I've been through in the last couple of years. SBS had different measurements, too. So, without further ado.......drum roll please................................
June 15, 2009 (SBS end)
Wrist – 5.5 in
Calf – 11.75 in
Hips – 30 in
Thighs – 18.5 in
Weight – 116.4 lbs
There you go! But since I have NOT met my goal of 110 pounds, I'm not finished. Plus I now know that exercise – both cardio and strength training– must be a part of my lifestyle.
As far as the competition, no one knows who won yet, but like I said, you will be the first to know! Until then, I'm off to do some squats, lunges and a Core Rhythm workout.