No matter, the point is to lead a healthier life we should be walking 10,000 steps and shaking your pedometer to increase the amount of steps doesn't count.
You can find a variety of pedometers from Googling "pedometers." Even Frosted Flakes has them in the cereal boxes. Research time! I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised. I figured the money hungry manufacturers in the fitness community would charge and arm and a leg for pedometers. I was wrong (of course they couldn't charge you a leg because it would make counting the steps harder). The most expensive one I looked at was $25 but most were under $10. If you are really interested in buying one check out Top 10 Best Pedometers. I've actually used the ones from Frosted Flakes and they worked pretty good.
Here's where I give my phone the big TOOT! TOOT! I was on the verge of deciding to add fitness into my lifestyle (after sitting on the fence for several months) when my Sony Ericsson W600i died. What does my phone have to do with fit
We have the number of steps, a way to keep track of them, but how to get to 10,000 step
I prefer simple.
Like how this post could have been much simpler if I'd just said:
How to walk 10,000 steps a day
Buy a pedometer or get one out of the Frosted Flakes box.
Plug an iPod into your head (or put on a record, whichever you prefer) and dance like you used to as a teenager when your parents weren't home.
Tip- dance while doing chores kills two birds with one stone.
But how much fun would that have been to read/write? Not much!
Now go get your groove on.
Pedometers Best of Class
Pedometers USA
Karate Depot
Walk For Life
5,000 is great! To boost mine sometimes I run in place while waiting for something; like dinner, popcorn, or Maisie to be done going potty. :)