Text to Kris: Nap time!
Text from Kris: Sweet dreams
Inner me: Deep breath, relax the toes
Inner me: Relax the heels, relax the ankles, relax the calves, relax the knees
Thought: I need to remember to ask my doctor about my knees again, they're really bothering me.
Inner me: Relax the thighs
Thought: When school starts I need to get back to exercising. I'm starting t

Inner me:
Inner me: Relax the hips, relax the stomach, relax the chest, relax the shoulders, relax the jaw
Thought: I'm cold. I just made the bed though. I really don't want to unmake it.
Inner me: Clear the mind. Deep breath. Deep breath.
Thought: I should do a post on napping. President Bush took naps and peo
Inner me: Focus. Breathe....
Inner me: Relax. Ignore kids. Breathe deep. Sleep.
Outside bedroom door: GET OFF! She hit me! Leave me alone! Stop it! That's mine!
Inner me: Relax. Ignore the kids. Breathe deep. Sleep.

Thought: Hmmm, I forgot about doing the research for that po-
Inner me: No mind blogging. Sleep.
Outside door: I'm going to get mommy! SHHHHHHH! MOMMY IS TRYING TO SLEEP! NO! Don't go in there. Do I need to get Daddy?
Inner me: Block it out. Clear the mind. Sleep. Deep breath. Deep breath.
Thought: Ugh, I hate that I haven't been blogging everyda-
Inner me: Clear the mi-

Inner me: Clear th- Oh, forget it.
Flinging door open: OK! I'm up!
In real time, this lasted an hour. Lesson learned – moms are not allowed to take peaceful naps.
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